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Published on February 18, 2012 By stevemendis In Health & Medicine

Skin is one of most vital parts of your body. Be it a human or any other species, skin is highly important and useful. In human beings, it is the largest organ of the integumentary system. Multiple layers of skin guard the underlying bones, muscles, ligaments, and the organs. However, it appears hairless, nearly all of the skin in humans is covered with hair follicles. There are different types of skins in humans, differing from individual to individual. As it the part of the body that remains exposed to environment for most of the time, it is prone to different illnesses and infections. Your skin has to face the heat of sun, cold waves, dust, pollution, and a lot many other things on a daily basis. Hence, it is very essential to keep your skin healthy.

In addition to protecting the bodily organs and systems from external environment, skin also lets you feel different sensations, like heat, cold, pressure, touch, vibration, tissue injury, etc. Skin also regulates heat in the body and controls evaporation of the essential body fluids. Also, your skin reflects your mood, attractiveness, and physical state in addition to storing water and lipids. Skin plays functions far more than anyone can imagine.

There are different types of skin, like dry, oily, etc. People around the world suffer from various skin conditions which can be result of either the environment or some underlying illness or abnormality. People having oily skin try measures to dry up their skin, and people having dry skin resort to measures to keep their skin hydrated and moistened. People who have dry skin are highly prone to skin disorders like itching, eczema, erythema, etc.

Lot of people around the world suffer from dry, itchy skin. This condition is either due to harsh external environment or due to lack of hydration of body. A body with sufficient amounts of fluids remains hydrated. There are various methods to protect your skin from drying and itching. Dry skin itches a lot, so the idea is to hydrate the skin, and it won't itch further. Consuming high amounts of water is highly essential to keep your skin hydrated. For people suffering from dry and itchy skin, it is recommended to consume at least 15 glasses of water every day. Water keeps the body and skin hydrated and doesn't let it dry.

In addition to consuming water to keep the skin hydrated and glowing, there are times when external nourishment is also required. People suffering from dry and itchy skin are commended to apply good amount of high-quality moisturizer to the dry areas. Not only moisturizer softens the skins, but also prevents breaking up and itching. Additionally, a high-quality moisturizer acts for longer duration and doesn't need to be reapplied multiple times in a day. Another suggestion to people having dry and itchy skin is to avoid heat and sun. Sun heats up your skin and dries it further, making it scaly and itchy. Good quality sunscreens and sunblocks are highly recommended to keep away heat and adverse effects of harmful UV rays of sun. Furthermore, people with sensitive, dry skin should cover most of their skin with cotton clothes and carry umbrella while going out in sun.

In addition to all this, there are vitamins to improve the health of skin. In order to have healthy, nourished, and glowing skin, one can consume vitamin A, D, C, and E supplements or eat food rich with these vitamins.

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